Friday, May 13, 2011

Alterameng ep3

Continue from Ep2..
Jah and Min were study on the table..
so not polite..
*actually nak wat ayat gini 
"Jah dan Min sedang ulangkaji pelajaran di meja"*
They study Science,Then Min feel bored and tired then start a dialog.
"I bored..lets watch tv..alterameng gonna start in 40 min"
"Mu dok habih habih speaking sejak sambungan alterameng aritu!"
"I will speaking until today's series end.."
"whatevar la kamu Min..Btw,I'm hungry..sapa speaking jugok.."
"Lets go to the Abe Jay cafe to takeaway some food.."

They walk from the house to the cafe for 500 meter je..not cycle the bicycle..then there were a party at the cafe! party of  "Kenduri Sempena Abe Jay(big boss) Masuk Hospital" ..they were balloon everywhere!!..glitter2, cool! Then, Jah and Min go to a table..They sit on the chair..Then come the waiter named Abe Om to serve the food..Jah ask
"Free dok nie hah Abe Om?"
Abe om reply "Free lah wei..sedih sebab big boss masuk sepital!!"
Jah in heart "something un-normal..geezz"
Jah and Min eat noodle soup with spicy ingredients 2 bowl each.Then there is a lucky draw!!They go try them..then they go play game..They enjoy themeselves at the party "Kenduri Sempena Abe Jay(big boss) Masuk Hospital"..they so enjoy themselves..but..Min dosn't remeber that '40 min until Alterameng start' is over..not only that 40 min! that 30 min alterameng is FINISHED already..Min dosn't know that..Poor Jah..She will listen Min speaking english again...


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